Render examples
We've rendered a couple of scenes with Blencloud so you can get an idea of the pricing. The results are impressive and the price is just that. We are able to save you time and money by rendering your scenes on the cloud.
Villa Animation by FireVIP
This scene of Villa Animation by FireVIP was rendered at a resolution of 1920x1080, 1500 Frames and 300 Cycles Samples. The price came out at $86 USD. This scene took 3 days to render at a normal speed (the slowest).
Rain Scene by Blender Team
This animation has 180 frames, it was rendered with 1600 cycles samples and a resolution of 1920x1080. The render time was less than an hour (with fast speed chosen) and the price came out $47 USD.
Barcelona Pavillion by eMirage
This scene of eMirage was rendered at a resolution of 1920x1080, 230 Frames and 800 Cycles Samples. The price came out at $20 USD. It took 3 hours to render with medium speed